Random Thoughts
Saturday, February 23, 2008,5:39 PM
The Juice Is Worth The Squeeze
It's funny, I have this whole speech prepared...
...and I've been practicing for weeks...
...but you know what?
I'm just gonna go with it.
Moral fiber.
So, what is moral fiber? I mean....
It's funny, I used to think it was always telling the truth...
...doing good deeds.
You know, basically being a ****ing Boy Scout.
But lately, I've been seeing it differently.
Now I think that moral fiber's about...
...finding that one thing you really care about.
That one special thing that means more...
...to you than anything else in the world.
And when you find her...
...you fight for her. You risk it all.
...your future, your life...
You put her in front of everything...
...all of it.
And maybe the stuff you do to help her isn't so clean.
You know what? It doesn't matter.
Because in your heart you know...
...that the juice is worth the squeeze.
That's what moral fiber's all about.

A Quote Form The Movie The Girl Next Door


posted by Someone Different
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