So it has been ages since I was here.
Now I am not an intern anymore
I am doing my masters in Lebanon, at the American University of Beirut (AUB).
Here it is a whole other thing, I am attending classes, still facing trouble with studying but at least I am attending.
The University is a lot different than my home university, lots of green spaces, the teaching, the curriculum.
And the the students are a whole other thing, some are just plain silly, and others are more interesting, it is bad when you are good at reading people, it usually takes the joy out meeting those bad people till you know they are bad.
Now I am much older than the last time I was here, your age is not just measured in years and days, it is mainly measured in your life experience, I was there during the Revolution, I left my beloved organization, and got through that agonizing feeling of having nothing to do for long periods of time, I worked with the United Nation (UN).
Did this all change me, I really don't know I would say yes, although I don't feel it.
Why I am even Writing now I don't know, but this is just a start, I guess I will be here more often.
Wish me good luck.